Bad Credit Used Car Loans - 3 Tips For Getting An Auto Loan With Poor Credit

Getting a used car loan with bad credit is as easy as getting approved for a loan with good credit. Because automobile loans are collateral-based, many auto loan lenders approve loans to persons with bad credit.

There are pros and cons to obtaining financing with bad credit. A primary disadvantage involves higher interest rates. However, there are ways to avoid paying more for a used vehicle financing. Here are a few tips to help you get approved.

Consider Using a Co-Borrower

Getting approved for an auto loan with bad credit or no credit history is not difficult. In fact, auto loan companies regularly offer financing to persons with low credit scores. Loan interest rates are primarily based on credit score. Obviously, those with excellent credit qualify for very low rates. On the other hand, if you recently filed bankruptcy, have a previous repossession, or bad credit, low rates would be a miracle.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to obtain a low rate auto financing with bad credit. This involves applying for the auto loan with a co-signer or co-borrower. Co-borrowers are beneficial for several reasons. To qualify as a co-borrower, the person chosen must have a strong credit history. Because they become responsible for the car loan if the primary borrower is unable to make payments, using a co-borrower will help buyers acquire a lower rate.

Apply for the Auto Loan with a Down Payment

Another approach for obtaining a lower rate on an auto loan entails applying with a down payment. Down payment amounts vary. A good down payment generally consists of 10%. Still, individuals with extreme credit problems may be unable to obtain a low rate. In this case, having a down payment will lower the amount financed, which could create a more affordable monthly payment.

Gradually Improve Credit Score

Although credit scores will not improve overnight, little things may add a few points. For example, paying bills on time will increase your credit score each month. Furthermore, paying down credit cards will also add a few points. Settling past due and collection accounts is another way to quickly add points to your credit score. If considering financing a used car with bad credit, attempt the previous suggestions. This could make the difference in acquiring an auto rate of 12 percent and 9 percent.

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